With groundbreaking developments in science, technology, engineering and medicine bringing rapid change across the planet, how do we ensure that innovation is safe, fair and responsible?

That is the crux question posed of students in UCLs new Responsible Innovation department. Working directly with the academic team running the courses we created a visual identity and toolkit to enable them to clearly communicate the thought provoking-nature of the subject. The identity and visual language takes it cue from the huge knock-on effect of scientific discoveries as they ripple out through society. Using real-world historical photography from topics covered by the courses, we created a ripple filter through which images are treated to create visually arresting compositions that can be used across their marketing and course literature.

Visual identity
Brand communications

“Working with Boyle&Perks was a dream — they were professional, responsive, and just knew exactly what we wanted. They brought our project to another level."

Dr Stephen Hughes

Lecturer and Teaching Fellow at UCL’s Department of Science and Technology Studies